Wednesday, April 07, 2004

This just in: Verizon leads in wireless user satisfaction survey

Looks like I made the right choice to "churn" over to Verizon last December!

by Dan Meyer (RCR News)
April 07, 2004 1:31 PM EST

A survey of 1,000 cell-phone users by Strategy Analytics found that Verizon Wireless continues to lead the industry in user satisfaction and is the destination choice for 30 percent of potential churning customers. The survey, which is part of the firm's U.S. Wireless Satisfaction Monitor, noted the carrier sets a daunting benchmark for its competition, achieving class-leading ratings for service quality and customer care.

Despite a relatively weak device portfolio, sub-par bundled minutes and light youth segment presence relative to Sprint, Cingular [Wireless L.L.C.] and other national operators, Verizon Wireless continues to represent the gold standard in customer satisfaction, said David Kerr, vice president and global wireless practice leader at Strategy Analytics.

Nextel Communications Inc. also scored well in the survey with senior industry analyst and report author Sara Harris noting Nextel can be proud of its customer loyalty.

The survey also found that Verizon Wireless and T-Mobile USA Inc. users believe they are receiving good value from their carriers regarding both handsets and service; that Cingular customers reported a healthy range of average and marginally above-average responses; AT&T Wireless Services Inc. customers reported consistent dissatisfaction; and Sprint PCS customers reported below-average ratings on many measures, though the carrier does provide a well-received product and service range. "

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